Empowering our homeless neighbors to take meaningful steps toward achieving self-worth and long-term self-sufficiency is at the heart of our mission. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to thrive and contribute to our vibrant community.

Empowering People - Building Community- Beautifying Our City

  • Empowering

    It’s Working!

    Paraphrasing Newton’s Law, “what’s in motion stays in motion”--when people have the opportunity to be productive in positive ways, they are receptive and more likely to take further steps, if available, toward productive and positive lives.

    By listening to and learning from them, we can be there to direct them towards the many resources (partners) that are available, when they are ready, including housing and full time employment. 

  • Building Community

    Members of the city’s government,  the parks department, and neighborhood coalitions began to partner with us after recognizing the work being done resulted in cleaner areas and noticing the positive effect it was having on the entire community.

  • Beautifying Our City

    We are currently conducting nine daily cleanups in parks, city streets, and community areas. In addition, we have held over 20 group cleanups focused on cleaning entire sections of our city.  We have provided our participants with over 3,800 stipends and gifts.

Our People!

Learn about what we do and meet the wonderful people below who are eager to clean up and earn. Watch the video below.

Meet Ana, one of HUP’s early success stories and a beautiful human being!

Watch the video below.

Hand Up Partners is now a 501 C-3 non-profit. While we still collaborate with the Lancaster County Food Hub, they no longer receive our funds. To donate, please use the donation button or send checks to Hand Up Partners at 924 1st St., Lancaster, PA 17603.