Empowering our homeless neighbors to take meaningful steps toward achieving self-worth and long-term self-sufficiency is at the heart of our mission. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to thrive and contribute to our vibrant community.

Hand Up Partners Developmental Program

Goal: To assist homeless and/or borderline homeless individuals toward achieving permanent housing, self-sufficiency and financial stability.

Method: Offer productive projects and activities for participants to develop self-worth, job skills, financial management capability, community involvement and a sense of personal fulfillment and accomplishment.  Volunteer participants can work individually and/or in groups on projects such as removing trash from community areas, shoveling snow, maintaining yards and many other opportunities and will receive cash stipends or gifts in exchange for their participation.

.We’ve learned with as little as two weeks of daily involvement, participants generally are ready to take positive steps toward taking self-responsibility to achieve self-sufficiency Our job is to listen and guide them towards the resources available to meet their needs and accomplish their goals.

Metrics:  Understanding that every individual is unique in their circumstances, including mental and physical health in addition to overall capabilities. Therefore, we have established continuous progress as the primary metric for our evaluation process. We strive not only for job placement and permanent housing but also for fostering ongoing self-reliance and promoting both mental and physical well-being for all participants.